Monthly Archives: February 2009

Peeking In with a Quick Update…

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  Henna is recovering nicely from her “desexing” as she prepares for Hawaii. I love this picture of her looking […]

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A day outside…

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Sunny gets a wonderful family…

Sunny has her forever family as of this evening and I am sure she and her new family will be […]

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Thank you Bonnie and Bruce..xxooxx

Dear Vicky and Jeff,     We wanted to thank you for having us over yesterday to visit the puppies […]

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It’s the end of the world as we know it..but we feel fine…

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Week 6 is the beginning of the end. But it is all good! Yes, this is the week they will […]

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We are moving our Journal

Well, finally… I moved my web page to Blue Host! I just love the options, the cost, and am tring […]

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Marching Boldly through Week 5…

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Week 5 we head into the puppy play pen! The whelp has outgrown their whelp box in the dining room […]

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Sydney Update

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Below is an update that came by email late January. I am getting caught up an thought I had posted […]

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Bonnie and Bandit; love at first sight..

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Bandit is adopted…

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