Monthly Archives: August 2008

Gracie Puppy Update (Aug. 2008 Litter)

Gracie’s puppies now have their eyes all open. “Hello World!”… I went and took the weekly update photos on Wednesday […]

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Auzzie Arrives

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Hi Vicky, Thank you so much for such a perfect addition to our family. Auzzie is adorable. you and your […]

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Common new puppy owner questions… FYI

One of our future puppy owners just asked about our puppy program. We handle, stress, and socialize following the Monks […]

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One Week olds

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Litter update on Gracie Puppies

Weight Chart Henna-Girl Red-wavier coat Dino – Boy Red, Mismark Zeus – Boy Buff, Mismark Echo– Girl Blaze, Large Mismark […]

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“…that is not my thought”…

Grandmother Zella; a strong willed Texan and matriarch of the family went to Heaven early this morning. Other than being […]

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Happy puppies; the boys…

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Lots of love to go around..

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Sharing the love..

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It’s a tough job; but someone has to do it..

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