Monthly Archives: August 2007

Silky Latte; California Dreaming…

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   Silky; call name Latte went flying to Santa Barbara to her forever family this Saturday. She rode on my lap to […]

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Kona Bean’s Boy…a 10 year wait for the perfect dog…

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Kona Bean; call name Kona left this week to join her forever family at the beach in Oregon. We have […]

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Mocha Man flies the nest…

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Mocha Man; Call name Mr. Snickerdoodle went to live in Nevada this Wednesday with a wonderful family who flew in […]

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3 Week Update on Libby’s Litter

Moving into the 4th week now. Time is passing quickly. This 3rd week the “itty bittys” were on the move […]

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7 Week Update on Belle’s Litter

Well here we are. The end of the 7th Week. This Saturday marks the start of the 8th week and […]

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6 Week Update on Belle’s Litter…

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Well, week six we have been very busy. The puppies went in and got their first immunizations along with their […]

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