Monthly Archives: July 2007

Belle’s Puppies; hello 5th Week…

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This week we played! This is some of the most important work that of socialization. We had our neighbor’s girl […]

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Liberty’s 1 Week Old update…

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This to me is amazing; they both have “heart shaped” mismarks on their heads. Muse is very small, but Chase […]

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Silky Shadow Play; 4 Weeks Old

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Can we come out and play?

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Here is Kona and Mocha Man telling me with their eyes that it is time to hold a doodle romp!!!  […]

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A doodle owner email…

Vicky~We loved the way you spoke with us on the phone to better answer our questions. The fact that you […]

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A watched dog never whelps…

Well, after staying up for two nights awaiting Libby’s whelp my husband spelled me and I went to bed. Sure […]

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Hello World; Kona Bean views the world

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Hello World; Mocha Man eyes open

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